
Introdução ao ASME IX

ASME 9 – Introduction

These articles are intended as a very general guide to ASME 9. They are a collection of my own personal notes which were written to aid my understanding of the code. Their are certain exceptions in the code that are not covered in these articles, therefore you are urged to study the code carefully before using its rules to carry out any welding qualifications. 

Brief Introduction

Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)

Welding Performance Qualification (WPQ)

ASME definitions for welding processes, consumables and welding positions

ASME Approval Range Calculator

ASME P Material Numbers

Graphic Representation of Welding Positions

Multi Process Welding Procedures QW200.4 and QW451.1


Veja mais no site: http://www.gowelding.com/wp/asme.htm


Veja também: Curso de ASME IX – Infosolda


Mecânica Nordeste de 18 a 21 de outubro de 2016
Feira da Mecânica – de 17 a 21 de maio de 2016 (2)
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